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A Guide to Avoiding 4 PPC Management Mistakes! (Part # 3)

 Advertising Research

The Advertising Research Tool, which is a component of our toolkit, can assist you in determining the most suitable keywords to target by examining the PPC Brighton advertising practices of your rivals. Cost-per-click (CPC), competitive density, and other metrics based on 2012 data are used to analyze keywords.

Make use of the Advertising Research tool to discover the strategies of your rivals:

  • Select the Advertising Research tool from the left menu
  • Enter the domain of your top competitor
  • Look at their previous advertising campaigns to see which keywords they used

You should do this for each of your top competitors to get a complete picture of the keywords that other businesses in your industry are targeting. This will reveal which advertisements have the greatest impact on the people you want to reach.

You can combine the keywords from each competitor for convenience by exporting them to a spreadsheet.

The Keyword Gap Tool

Semrush can help you learn more about the keywords used by your rivals. You can use this tool to see niche keywords for which your rivals are advertising but you are not.

You can obtain: Using the Tool for Keyword Gaps:

  • Analyses of your rivals’ businesses based on keywords
  • Any specific keywords for which your rival ranks higher than you.
  • Analyses of organic paid keywords and PLA (Google Shopping) keywords
  • Visual charts of keyword overlap between sites

If you are not currently targeting keywords, you can directly enter them into the Keyword Manager using the Keyword Magic Tool from this report. Semrush also lets you directly export them to an Excel spreadsheet.

PPC Brighton

Managing Existing Ads

Semrush’s PPC management tool can also be used to efficiently and methodically manage your existing ads.

PPC Keyword Tool

The Semrush PPC Keyword Tool makes Google Ads campaign planning and setup simpler. PPC Agency Brighton can also help you well. By organizing keywords at the campaign and ad group levels and setting negative keywords, you can also optimize existing ad groups.

The following steps must be completed before using the PPC Keyword Tool to manage existing PPC campaigns:

  • To export your existing Google Ads campaign from Semrush, select the PPC Keyword tool from the left menu
  • For assistance, see our guides on importing a Google Ads campaign to Semrush and formatting a file for upload to the PPC Keyword Tool.
  • Describe the location of the campaign.
  • You will be able to use the tool to improve the performance of your existing ad groups


You will learn how to use the Semrush PPC Keyword Tool to improve the structure, optimization, and waste reduction of your existing advertising campaigns in this article assist with PPC management and avoid wasting money once you have set this up.

To Read More Articles:
A Guide to Avoiding 4 PPC Management Mistakes! (Part # 2)


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